Healthy Cells: Guided Imagery for Resilient Health

Put on you headphones, find a quiet space and join me in this 6-min guided imagery practice that involves all senses to increase healthy immune cell activity and promote vitality in your body.

Tips before you begin:

  • You may wish to let your tongue rest right behind the upper front teeth during this mindfulness practice.

  • Your breath may be faster or slower than mine. Go at your own comfortable pace.

  • This is something that continues to build your vitality and strength. Try to do it one time each week.

Let’s begin.

I hope you enjoyed this. This piece was originally provided in a special Wellness Edition Newsletter that is sent out to subscribers. If you would like to sign up, please use the form on the right. My goal is to support you in discovering the strength and vitality and power to heal that lies within yourself. Please let me know if you have any questions at all.

This meditation has been adapted from guided imagery by Claire Casselman of the Complementary Therapies Program of the University of Michgan’s Comprehensive Cancer Center.